[X] Sie befinden sich im Archiv auf den Seiten des Internationalen Musik- und Keramiksymposiums 2009. Zu aktuellen Informationen gelangen Sie hier.


Project execution organisation:
Kulturwerk des Verbandes Bildender Künstler Thüringen e.V.
Verband Bildender Künstler Thüringen e.V.
Ansprechpartnertin: Michaela Hirche
Haus zum Bunten Löwen
Krämerbrücke 4
99084 Erfurt

0361 6422571
0361 6422563
E-Mail: info@vbkth.de

Artistic Management:
Falk Zenker und Petra Töppe-Zenker
Am Bäckerberg 6,
99510 Kapellendorf

036425 50982
0171 7562460


No guarantee for correctness and completeness of the presented information. For contents externally sides are responsible excluding their operators.
Copyright: Duplication, storage and publication of contents - also in extracts - only with approval of VBK Thüringen as well as the concerning people.
Privacy: It are stored beyond the in general server-sided taped protocols no other meeting-related data.
Tip: For some representations (resp. Download) Adobe ® reader ® is required.

Layout: Andreas Bauer ndb-art und design
Production: Werbeagentur Monsterpixel
Photos: Constantin Beyer

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